USE AND RETURN anything, free. First item 100% free for up to 2 weeks & guaranteed available. Try us.
If you can find it for sale online, we will deliver it to your door and pick it up when you are done. Basic plans start at $95/year you can have one item at a time for up to one month up to $1,000 in value. Unlimited items per year... First item is free, no strings attached. Tell us what you want, and it's yours for up to two weeks (max value $250).
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one thing at at time
we drop it off and pick it up from your door - if you want to keep it longer it's $50/week until it is paid for. You cannot keep anything longer than a month.
Max value of the item is $250 (for your first request) $1000 (for basic memebership.)
You can use this space to inform the visitor about anything else they need to know. This could be a paragraph about you or your company, or it could explain more about what you should expect when you complete the form.
This could also be further clarification on how you are different from your competitors, or some juicy information/stats about the success of your product or service. Did you read this and notice it was nonsense. Tweet #NONSENSE TO @NEIGHBORROW and your first month is free.
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